Search results

  1. Mythless

    Kit Additional mechanic for Spy

    If a Spy takes off all their armor, they will look as if they are a Ghost ally for the enemy teams. They'll still have a transparent body, but not be completely invisible. This creates an interesting dynamic for Spy as it was always stuck with acting like a Trooper. If it can act like a Ghost...
  2. Mythless

    Kit Kit: Ranger

    Kit Name: Ranger Kit Icon: Arrow of Weakness Armory: Chain Helmet (Protection 1 Enchant), Leather Tunic (Dyed Gray), Leather Pants (Dyed Gray), Chain Boots (Protection 1 Enchant, Feather Falling 3 Enchant) Gear: Stone Sword, Bow (Infinity enchant, "Recoil" enchant), Crossbow (Multishot enchant...
  3. Mythless

    Accepted Solluna Town [v4.2] - Now has a 1.16 Version!

    Hey guys, I just wanted to share this lovely little town map I made! It's pretty peaceful-looking, so I'm sure it will serve some nice eye-candy for y'all! Map Name: Solluna Town Map Author: Mythless Map Description: "Just a humble little town—hosted to fertility by a modest sun and moon...
  4. Mythless

    Kit Kit: Assassin

    Kit Name: Assassin Kit Icon: Diamond Sword Armory: Leather Cap (Dyed Gray, Protection 1 Enchant), Leather Tunic (Dyed Gray, Protection 1 Enchant), Chainmail Leggings, Chainmail Boots Gear: Diamond Sword, Fuse Permanent Effects: Speed 1 Kit Description: Similar to that of Ninja, the Assassin...
  5. Mythless

    Accepted Ruptured Mantle [v3.0]

    Map Title: Ruptured Mantle Author: Mythless Description: "The grounds above have been ripped open, causing the inner mantle to cool exponentially faster. Two ancient surface-dwelling clans must now fight over the last of its heat for prolonged survival." IMAGES: I gave descriptions on each map...
  6. Mythless

    Kit Spy Rework

    Kit Name: Spy Icon: Apple Armory: Full Iron Gear: Iron Sword (“Feigning” Enchant); 3 “Golden Apple,” Fuse Description: “A deceptive kit that is a master of infiltration—the Spy starts on the enemy team, adopts that team’s tag color, and is almost identical to a Trooper. As if they were a...
  7. Mythless

    Vampire really needs a buff.

    My reasons for why it needs the buff I really believe something should be done about Vampire, just a little bit. Because right now it feels like a very out-of-place kit. Back in the old days where the average playercount per game was way higher than what it currently is, there were many...
  8. Mythless

    Kit Kit: Blaster

    Kit Name: Blaster Kit Icon: Gunpowder Armory: Iron Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Gold Boots Gear: Stone Sword (Knock Back 1 Enchant), Crossbow (Quick Charge 3 Enchant), 30 Fireworks (Flight Duration 3; Small Ball & (Team) Color; Named "Explosive Rocket"); Fuse Description: "A...
  9. Mythless

    Kit Kit: Doppelganger

    Kit Name: Doppelganger Kit Icon: Eye of Ender Armory: Full Iron Gear: Iron Sword, Fuse Description: “A deceptive kit that copies the identity of a random enemy at the start of the game. If they get close to the enemy that they copied, other players on the enemy’s team will be able to knock them...
  10. Mythless

    Just a little suggestion for when the map loads

    Since we have random map voting, I think the message for when the map loads should give a little more info now. Before when map voting was a thing, we could also see the map authors and a brief description of the map when casting votes. I suggest to simply add those bits into the loading...
  11. Mythless

    I made a Search & Destroy trailer

    Haio I just want to share this work with y'all. I really really love the potential for Athios, so I tried my best to make this trailer with the utmost quality. Show this to RWF vets who haven't heard of Athios, or peeps who have no idea what Search and Destroy is! The turnout for the official...
  12. Mythless

    Submitted maps should go through a "testing stage" before it gets accepted and added.

    With the advent of being able to submit maps, I think it would actually be better if the process for accepting/rejecting these maps should have one more step. A "testing" stage so-to-speak. This is basically how it'll work: Submitted maps that have made it through the first process (that...
  13. Mythless

    More Forum Thread Topics?

    I feel like there should be a little more forums threads for us to post in, specifically in the Off-Topic section. It’ll help with finding certain things easier in the long run. There are two in mind that I think would be good to add: Minecraft: Anything Minecraft-related in general. Creative...
  14. Mythless

    Kit Two Kits: Phantom & Poltergeist

    Since both of these kits are similar to each other in a way, I might as well include them both in one post.
  15. Mythless

    Rejected Chronofield (v3.0!) - A map that changes pathways depending on the in-game time

    Map Name: Chronofield Map Author: Mythless Map Description: "The battlefield churns an ever-changing sight... as the passage of time decides where thou fight..." A General Explanation About the Map (Please read before viewing screenshots): As you've read in the title, this map is unique in...